测试报告 |
Wanlan's new 20MHz ad hoc network radio 70km point-to-point testTest time: 2023-03-31Tester: project customers and Wanlan technical support personnelTest ObjectivesThrough the test, understand the ... |
Wanlan's new 40W high-power mesh ad hoc network radio 70km point-to-point testWanlan ad-hoc network radio 70 km testTest time: 2023-03-31Tester: project customers and Wanlan technical support perso... |
Wanlan 10MHz20Wmesh Ad Hoc Network Radio 70km Point-to-Point TestWanlan ad-hoc network radio 70 km testTest time: 2023-03-31Tester: project customers and Wanlan technical support personnelTest Obje... |
Wanlan 10MHz 4Wmesh Ad Hoc Network Radio 70km Point-to-Point TestWanlan ad-hoc network radio 70 km testTest time: 2023-03-31Tester: project customers and Wanlan technical support personnelTest Obje... |
万蓝ANYMESH-SDR-4W自组网电台海面30公里测速报告1. 概述 配合客户测试ANYMESH-A2-SDR-4W自组网电台在海面上30公里视频回传测试2. 测试环境测试时间:2023年3月8日测试场景;一台ANYMESH-A2-SDR岸边固定站—一台ANYMESH-A2-SD在70米船(岸边固定站天线架设高度为25米-70米船上天线架设高度为12米)拓扑架构下图所示 测试硬件:两... |
SDR单兵4W100km测速报告.pdf |
SDR4W100km测速报告.pdf |
SDR10W100km测速报告.pdf |
SDR20W100km测速报告.pdf |
ANYMESH-20W mesh 自组网电台 300km 视距测试报告,ANYMESH 自组网电台实现无人机实飞 160km 测试应用,并且通过泰山中继实现接近 300km 无人机 1080P 视频回传。 |